Story Resistance

The other day a new client was walking me through her vision for her latest project.

“This sounds fantastic,” I said. “All that’s missing is you.”

“Oh, sh*t.” she said. “I have to tell my story now, don’t I?” She lowered her head into her hands. “God… I knew I’d eventually have to do this.”

Story resistance like this is common.
But it’s also futile.
Because if you’re a business owner
who is the face of your service business,
the time to tell your story is going to come.

Here’s why you want to be ready…
As she told me her story over dinner, a couple of things happened (that frequently take place in the presence of good storytelling):
1. I started telling her my story as it relates to her very specific expertise-interrupting, laughing, cutting her off and jumping in with anecdotes.
2. I realized deep down I wanted to be her client (I’d never before considered this) and sign up for her next program.
The truth about sharing your story
It’s intimidating.
It can be scary.
It’s easy to resist and work on other things instead,
like your SEO and website colors.

But when you share your story powerfully and compellingly
with your ideal audience, amazing things can happen.

You give them the permission and possibility to recognize something in themselves they may not have let themselves see before. (HUGE.) And you show them the power and magic of the transformation you provide. (It’s a lot harder to do that with website colors.)

If you’d like to get a better handle on sharing your own story in a soulful, compelling and hard-to-forget way, come spend the day with me on June 20th.

In the sparkling high-desert air of Bend, Oregon, let’s get clear on the gold that’s hidden in your story.

Join me for the Find Your Golden Thread one-day retreat.

  • Strengthen your marketing message by discovering
    how to tell your signature story.
  • Connect the dots between your business, your past and your purpose as you discover your unique theme (that plugs right into the big, universal ones).
  • Learn to speak and write from the soul of your story.