Sometimes you have a story to tell that’s so clear in your mind, but when you sit down to write, your hand and thoughts freeze. How to tell it? Where to start? How to end?
If you’ve been wanting to do more storytelling in your writing, but find yourself stopped by confusion, procrastination or perfectionism, I invite you to join me for this online workshop.
In Build Your Memoir Muscle, you’ll learn and practice tools that will make personal storytelling more accessible—and fun. You’ll explore the “golden thread” of meaning through your life, discover new entry points to your story, and sharpen your own unique writer’s lens. And we’ll create a safe container in which you’ll also be able to share your writing aloud, if you desire.
It’s happening on Zoom from 10-2 on Saturday, January 29th. Offered through Mount Hood Community College—the fee is $45 and there’s a registration link below.
Feedback from the last MHCC memoir workshop: “
What a day! A nondescript classroom filled with delightful and enriching discoveries; all wrapped in such thoughtful and knowledgeable teaching. I feel more confident about my own writing, glad to have heard fellow students share their stories, and grateful for the gifts you bestowed.”
—Michael C., Gresham
Registration link: